Mayor Rick Slaughter
Flora City Council
FLORA CITY COUNCIL: Front Row: Commissioner Linda Spicer and Commissioner Phil Wiley - Back Row: Commissioner Jeremy Henderson, Mayor Rick Slaughter and Commissioner Jim Fehrenbacher

City of Flora

(Population 4,803)



Leaf Collection


    The City of Flora Department of Public Works has scheduled November 1, 2024 for the beginning of fall curbside leaf collection. City residents should have their loose leaves to the curbside on their normal scheduled leaf collection day. Please keep in mind that the crew may run behind schedule during this time, and we appreciate your patience and understanding. To help crews more efficiently collect leaves, please remember the following:

 • Rake leaves in windrows (a long narrow line) rather than piles next to the curb. Also, the City will not    pick up anything in the alley.

 • Keep windrows as close to the curb as possible but do not rake leaves into the street. (THIS IS IN      VIOLATION OF A CITY ORDINANCE AND WILL PLUG THE STORM SEWERS.)

 • Keep windrows away from trees, hydrants, sign posts, electrical pedestals, or other obstacles.

 • Keep all garbage, metal, branches, and sticks out of the windrows.

 • Do not park vehicles next to the leaf windrows. If we can’t get our vacuum to the windrows, they will have to wait until your next collection day.

 • Remember that weather may slow down the leaf picker. The vacuum will not work if the leaves are extremely wet or if it is snowing.

REMINDER: THIS IS A 2-PERSON OPERATION SO WINDROWS MUST BE NARROW & CLOSE TO THE CURB. Bulky limbs and cuttings from trees and shrubs must be cut into four foot lengths and tied into bundles not more than two feet in diameter. Wood and brush should not be placed in a container or garbage can. Please place this directly on the curb. All property owners are responsible for disposing of entire trees that are left at the shoulder for collection.  Please work with the City in keeping these guidelines in mind when cleaning up your yard this fall. If you have any questions, please call the Department of Public Works office at 618-662-4625.


See Leaf Collection Map (above and below) for collection dates on your street.